The Moving Checklist for Home Buyers

Dec 30, 2014 | Advice, Home Buying Tips, Home Sellers, Moving Checklist, Real Estate

Whether you are moving into a new house, an apartment, or even a new state it doesn’t have to be a stressful experience.  If you start planning early and follow this simple timeline, you should have a successful move. This list will keep you on track so that you don’t forget anything and enjoy moving into your new home! And always be sure to check with your Real Estate Agent before making any crucial changes as closing dates are always subject to change and can affect your moving timeline.


  • If you are planning on using a professional moving company, get a few different quotes and check reviews to find the best deal. Or if you will be doing the moving yourself, make plans to rent or borrow a vehicle.
  • Create a “Moving Binder” to keep track of quotes and important documents.
  • If this is a long distance move, begin compiling school and medical records to transfer.
  • Begin purging household items and separate into keep, donate, or discard piles.
  • Plan a garage sale.
  • Use items that can’t be moved such as frozen food, bleach, and aerosols.


  • Stock up on moving supplies. (boxes, packaging tape, bubble wrap, shipping labels, etc.)
  • Begin packing items that are not used often.
  • Plan travel arrangements for pets.


  • Have your automobile serviced if you will be using it on a long distance move.


  • Dispose of flammable materials. Be sure to read the Do Not Ship List.
  • Begin packing the rest of your belongings. Clearly label everything properly with the description and/or room where it will be going


  • File a change of address with the Postal Service.
  • Pack an essentials box of items that you will need immediately.
  • This is a good time to clean rugs, bedding, drapes, and pillows before packing them.
  • Get dimensions of your new home to make sure furniture will fit through doorways.
  • Call your insurance agent about necessary changes.
  • Reserve a moving company or vehicle to rent.
  • Transfer/cancel local gym or other organization memberships.
  • Notify utility services of your move: Electric, gas, cable/internet, trash collection, etc.
  • Notify professional services of your move: Doctor, Schools, Work, Auto Insurance, Finance Companies, Credit Card Companies, Magazines, Newspaper, etc.
  • Empty and defrost refrigerator at least 24 hours before moving.


  • Place carpet and door frame protectors throughout home.
  • Make sure lights are turned off, and windows and doors are locked.


  • Change your Vehicle Registration.
  • Change your address on your Drivers License.
  • Make arrangements to change the locks.
  • Enjoy your new home!


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