REALTEAM Top 25 Book Recommendation

Jan 10, 2024 | Advice, Hiring a Realtor, Real Estate

Question Based Selling

“Question Based Selling” by Thomas Freese is a great book for people who sell houses. It teaches them to ask smart questions instead of just talking a lot. This helps them understand what their customers want. The book shows how to ask the best questions to get to know the customers better and find the perfect house for them. It talks about six important things in selling: being confident, trustworthy, good at talking to people, understanding what each customer needs, working well with others, and making good plans. Freese’s way of selling helps make strong bonds with customers and earn their trust, which is very important when selling houses. This book is like a guide for people who sell houses to do their job better and make their customers happy by really listening to them. 

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