The Top 7 Traits Your Real Estate Agent Should Possess

Feb 18, 2021 | Real Estate

Think about your ideal real estate agent for a moment. While many people may conjure up images that look a lot like Glenngarry Glen Ross with his “ABC” monologue, the only person on your real estate team that should really live the “Always Be Closing” mantra is the Closer on your mortgage. In reality, a good real estate agent is able to balance many traits that ultimately help them understand you and your needs. They need to have an eye for detail with the wisdom and experience to know when to go to bat for you and your real estate needs. 

With that in mind, you do want someone who is familiar with the sales process and understands how to close the deal in a reasonable manner. The right steps to marketing your home will depend upon each property. Their ability to provide the correct information in a timely manner may make the difference between a closing date and a wide open schedule with no showings on the map.

At the same time, your agent should be able to shift gears to get to know you and your needs in your housing search. It is not uncommon for buyers to be a little unsure of precisely what they want when they begin to look at all of the options. A good real estate agent can tease out the right information to show you the right properties. They’ll remind you of the things you want and need for the homebuying process.

While the ideal real estate agent will vary depending upon the client, there are some key traits that are common amongst the best real estate agents. Here is a list of 7 traits that your next realtor should possess to help you sell your home or purchase your next home.

The Top 7 Traits For Your Next Real Estate Agent

  1. Creative Problem Solver – While it’s inaccurate to categorize selling a house as a problem to solve, the reality is that each listing and each transaction is a little bit different. Juggling the needs and desires of buyers and sellers requires the ability to adapt to circumstances and come up with solutions, often in short order. A great real estate agent is able to work on solutions, even when times get a little tough.
  2. Tenacity – The tenacity trait follows on the heels of creativity. While a creative mindset lays the groundwork for resolving an issue, the tenacity to implement solutions is what sees everything through. Home markets bounce up and down over time, and the right real estate agent has the perseverance to be successful in a buyers’ market for sellers and a sellers’ market for buyers. The right agent will hustle to see the job completed.
  3. Connectedness – The right real estate agent will also be connected to the community, their network, and beyond. This also covers the digital realm. How homes are sold has shifted over the past few decades, and some can still recall when Zillow was not even a thing. Change is guaranteed in any industry, but virtually assured in real estate. The best real estate agents stay connected with the right people, tools, and trends. They also remain connected to the timeless practices that buy and sell homes.
  4. Attention to Detail – It’s the responsibility of a real estate agent to notice the things you don’t, whether it be a tiny detail about the property or the inconspicuous absence of something on your most-wanted list. Great real estate agents are mindful of a host of items so that you don’t have to remember everything. A missed detail in a home tour or on a contract can be disastrous. A disorganized negotiation can be quite costly. The right attention to detail ensures for a much smoother real estate experience.
  5. Integrity – While this current list is not exactly an exhaustive ranking, it goes without saying that the best real estate agents are honest. The best agents will act with integrity, even if it costs them the deal. Realtors operate under an ethical code where honesty is valued above all else.
  6. Excellent Communication – The best real estate agents are great communicators. Communication with clients, lenders, and other agents is absolutely essential to the success of a real estate deal. Expectations for clear communication have only grown more important. Many buyers and sellers will expect near instant communication on top clarity. The intelligent communicators in real estate are able to communicate when and where it counts most.
  7. Knowledge – Your real estate agent should know a good bit more than you about real estate. It’s literally their job to stay abreast of trends, changes, and the little details that will empower them to sell higher and buy lower when it comes to their clients. Real estate is a very serious business where clients expect professionalism. And while the need for professionalism goes without saying, the knowledge to back it all up and close the deal is an absolute necessity in a knowledge economy.

Here at REALTEAM Real Estate, we believe that our agents are the best in the business, built upon real stories of real success. Our agents possess the traits to simplify the real estate process whether you are a home buyer or seller. Come and see why our agents are constantly referred to others because of their body of work. Putting our real estate agents to work for you will help you sell your home or buy your next property with ease.


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